First casting at the new Aceros Arequipa steel mill (Peru)
Corporación Aceros Arequipa, the Peruvian firm has completed the construction of a new Steel Meltshop, with a nominal production capacity of 1.2 Mt/year of high-quality steel, destined mainly to supply American markets.
On July 13, the new plant, located in the town of Pisco, began operations with the “First Heat” and first casting.
After the initial start-up test, the plant will increase its production until it reaches full performance in the coming weeks.
From the conception phase to start-up, IDOM has provided EPCM services, with a high level of Customer satisfaction. This ambitious project incorporates the latest technology supplied by the SMS Group and auxiliary equipment and infrastructure that guarantee high levels of performance and production quality. This is state of the art technology, that ensures the care of the environmental, while optimizing the consumption of resources such as water input, which will significantly improve on the current level of efficiency and sustainability.