Low Carbon and Circular Economy Business Action (LCBA)
Argentina | Brazil | Chile | Colombia
IDOM’s main objective with this project is to facilitate and accelerate the conclusion of commercial agreements between European technology SMEs and Latin American companies with circular economy, energy efficiency or decarbonization projects. Through this program, an in-depth analysis of potential market opportunities in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Colombia will be carried out in order to support the international expansion of European companies in collaboration with multilateral organizations. This will be achieved through the identification of technology partners and strategic business opportunities. To this end, IDOM provides selected European companies with technical assistance packages designed to facilitate the implementation of their activities and to test their technologies, among other things.
IDOM has created a team called LCBA. This team is dedicated to organizing sectoral meetings and business roundtables that bring together companies and ecosystem actors committed to sustainability and carbon reduction. This project aims to promote the adoption of advanced cleantech technologies in Latin America, while accelerating the transition to more sustainable practices in the private sector.
Visit the Low Carbon Business Action website here.
Competitiveness & Innovation : Decarbonzation & green finance : Start-up and scale-up acceleration
European Commission
Economic diplomacy
Multilateral organisations
Project cycle
Regional & international cooperation