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Catálisis (Catalysis) Chile: strengthening science and technology-based entrepreneurship


The Undersecretariat of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation of the Government of Chile aims to strengthen the ecosystem of science and technology-based entrepreneurship in the country, with a view to its internationalization.One of the programs to achieve this goal is CATÁLISIS, a project promoted by Startup Ciencia. This program, managed by IDOM, accompanies these ventures through an organized set of actions that favor the connection and exchange of learning between entrepreneurs, different actors, and entities with experience in the national and international ecosystem. During the Catálisis 2022 program, 36 Chilean startups were accompanied through a maturity diagnosis process, individualized mentoring by international experts, and training and networking activities.

The services carried out by IDOM experts include:

  • Elaboration of the design of the Accompaniment Plan for Science and Technology Based Ventures (STBP).
  • Elaboration of the design of a plan to evaluate the status of the SSTBs and their progress during and at the end of the process.
  • Evaluation of the maturity level of 36 Chilean STBSs at the beginning and end of the program.
  • Development of the survey and review of the main gaps and frequent structural needs of the Chilean STBS environment.
  • Elaboration of the design of the map of Chile’s national Science and Technology ecosystem.
  • Creation of the linkage plan with the national and international ecosystem and among entrepreneurs.
  • Systematization of national and international best practices in support of EBCT.
  • Elaboration of a value proposition for IDOM.

The main objective of IDOM is to accelerate the growth and internationalization of companies. To achieve this, it offers the Chilean government and the participating companies its experience, knowledge and experts both locally and internationally, in this case both from Latin America and Europe.

Competitiveness & Innovation : Start-up and scale-up acceleration

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Government of Chile

Collaboration with Start-ups and Entrepreneurs
New business models