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Infrastructure for Urban Waste Management in Gipuzkoa


The Gipuzkoa Waste Consortium provides a range of services to the associations through its commercial company GHK (Gipuzkoako Hondakinen Kudeaketa), including:

  • Design, construction and management of all the infrastructures as are necessary for waste management.
  • Transportation of urban waste from the Transfer Stations (TS) to the final treatment plants.
  • Waste treatment and rejections prior to its final destination.
  • Planning and execution of prevention and citizen awareness campaigns.

In 2015, GHK awarded IDOM the Contract for Owner´s Engineering Technical Assistance for the Construction of the different Urban Waste Management Infrastructures contemplated in the Sectorial Territorial Plan for Waste from Gipuzkoa. The scope of the main works contracted corresponds, basically, to two complexes:

Environmental Complex of Gipuzkoa Phase 1 (CMG1) composed of a Mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT) facility, with a capacity of 162,000 t/year, and an Energy Recovery Facility (ERF) with a capacity of 200,000 t/year.

Environmental Complex of Gipuzkoa Phase 2 (CMG2), composed of an Anaerobic Digestion Plant for bio-waste with a capacity of 40,000 t/year, and a Slag Maturation Plant of 50,000 t/year.

The TMB will recover between 8% and 10% of the recyclable materials that are mixed on arrival. The Biodrying facility will reduce the weight (approximately 25%) and volume of the waste, improving the efficiency of the energy production of the recovery plant.

Additionally, other works have been carried out, such as:

  • Technical Assistance for the Construction of the Extension of the 132-kV power line. This is a double derivation from the current circuits of Hernani and Arzabaleta in Zubieta.
  • Technical Assistance for the Construction of the 132/30-kV 60 MVA Substation for powering the infrastructure of the Eskuzaitzeta and Arzabaleta industrial estate in Zubieta.
  • Technical Assistance for the conditioning and Commissioning of the Epele Composting Plant.
  • Ad-hoc assistance to GHK.
  • Technical Assistance for the Writing of Specifications for contracting, financing, construction and operation of the infrastructure.
  • Technical Assistance for the Permit Processing.


Images courtesy of GHK

Waste to Energy

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Gipuzkoako Hondakinen Kudeaketa S.A. GHK

Technical Aassistance - Owner's Engineering

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