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Sustainable growth model for the cities of Florianopolis, Joao Pessoa, Palmas and Vitoria


The Brazilian cities of Florianopolis, Joao Pessoa, Palmas and Vitoria have been included in the Emerging and Sustainable Cities (ICES) Initiative of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to support Latin American cities in the quest for balanced and sustainable growth. These cities reflect the increasing urbanization trends in Brazil, common to the rest of Latin America and the Caribbean, and which result in the slowdown of large cities’ growth like Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, in favor of an increase in urban growth rates of medium-sized cities.

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Poles which face the challenge of driving Brazilian regional growth

Rapid urban growth trends in large cities like Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro are shifting to the cities of average size, especially state capitals such as, Florianopolis (Santa Catarina), Joao Pessoa (Paraiba), Palmas (Tocantins) and Vitoria (Espirito Santo). This is particularly visible through the increasing number of medium-sized cities in Brazil, 207 cities in 2000, 263 in 2010, according to the Census IBGE – Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics.

These medium scale cities are the new poles of economic dynamism, knowledge and innovation, which face the challenge of driving Brazilian regional growth and which encounter management problems and inadequacy of land use, unarticulated urban mobility, environmental risk, poor governance and taxation.

For this reason, IDOM has collaborated with municipal and metropolitan institutions in each city to define a sustainable and resilient growth model which includes development strategies and actions to implement a balanced growth.

Resilience & sustainability

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Poles which face the challenge of driving Brazilian regional growth

Inter-American Development Bank

Climate Change Mitigation Study
Study of Vulnerability and Natural Risks
Urban Growth Study

  • Florianopolis_1_IPUF_PMF_1_IDOM_Consultoria