Launch of the Extremadura RIS3 Collaborative Platforms
IDOM provides support in the integral management of the program and its implementation
Collaborative Platforms are an instrument for the Governance of the RIS3 (Regional Strategy for Research and Innovation for Smart Specialization) for the deployment and development of the processes of discovery and attraction of entrepreneurial initiatives in the region. They aim to promote, create, consolidate, and manage collaborative processes in R&D+I to identify opportunities and address challenges collaboratively.
In the specific case of Extremadura, the network is made up of a total of 6 interconnected spaces, both face-to-face and virtual, which revolve around the scientific, technological, and business capacity in which the region is best positioned: agri-food, health and wellness, cultural industries and tourism. As well as the region’s areas of opportunity in which it is necessary to develop entrepreneurial capabilities, such as the ecological transition and digital transformation.
At the launching event of the Collaborative Platforms, which was held at the FUNDECYT-PCTEx headquarters in Badajoz, some of the first challenges identified were addressed:
- Promote energy storage and energy self-consumption to boost energy efficiency and sustainability in Extremadura.
- Analyze and quantify the harmful elements present in water, food and air that can impact health, in order to generate proposals to eliminate them and improve the quality of life of the population of Extremadura.
- Improve the health of the population of Extremadura through the creation of an open data space based on the use of disruptive technologies.
- Promote the digitalization of agriculture, livestock and agribusiness to improve the optimization, traceability and efficiency of the resources used in this sector.
- Digitalize and update the tourism offer in Extremadura with contents based on scientific and historical evidence, to give visibility to the cultural resources of rural areas and enhance the value of the Cultural Industries and Tourism sector in the region.
- Search for healthy compounds from by-products of the agri-food industry to develop specific products that promote tourism and regional identity.
The challenges can be found on the website, where the regional ecosystem of companies and agents can register, establish collaborative partnerships, provide technological responses to initiatives or propose new projects of relevance to the region.
The RIS3 Extremadura 2027 is a participatory governance strategy, in which companies, researchers, public administrations, political groups, citizens and other relevant actors in the social and economic development of the region have participated.