Climate finance accelerator brings climate projects in Mexico together with potential investors, regulators and experts
The second generation of accelerated projects received mentoring from private and public banks, as well as regulators and ecosystem enablers.
The UK Government’s Climate Finance Accelerator (CFA), implemented in Mexico by IDOM, held a three-day event in Mexico City to conclude the capacity building provided to climate projects in preparation for funding. In the coming months the team will be launching a new call for projects and seeking financial backers for the next edition.
The event, with a mixed format, included the participation of private banks, development banks and experts in gender equality and social inclusion, as well as a round table with representatives of public institutions and regulators to discuss opportunities and trends in climate finance in the country. In addition, in-depth sessions were held between project proponents and potential investors. Finally, there were wrap-up sessions, reflections, and next steps to continue supporting projects on their way to obtain financing. The event concluded at a networking event for more than 70 people at the residence of the Ambassador of the United Kingdom in Mexico, Jon Benjamin, together with representatives of the Mobilist program, also from the United Kingdom.
Four companies that have graduated from the first and second generation of the CFA Mexico program, along with 11 others from Colombia, Pakistan, South Africa, and Turkey, have been selected to present their projects to investors in London.
Over the past two years, the CFA program has assisted almost 100 innovative low-carbon projects around the world with a total value of more than US$2 billion, with capacity building to help them develop attractive proposals for investment.
The climate finance accelerator, CFA Mexico, has completed two generations and supported a total of 20 projects. An additional cycle will begin in late spring 2023, with the ambition of permanently integrating the program into the Mexican climate finance landscape. To achieve this, the team will be seeking both project proponents and financiers.