Global milestone in China: Pioneers molten salt for Fresnel CSP中国里程碑:全球首座熔盐菲涅尔式光热电站
Dunhuang Lanzhou Dacheng 50 MW molten salt linear Fresnel CSP project plant began commercial operation敦煌兰州大成 50兆瓦熔盐线性菲涅尔式光热电站正式投入商业运营
The China Dunhuang Lanzhou Dacheng 50 MW molten salt linear Fresnel CSP project plant officially commenced commercial operation on June 19, 2020. To celebrate the occasion, the developers and contractors held a commissioning ceremony.
This project is the first-ever linear Fresnel solar thermal power generation project in the world that uses molten salt as the heat transfer fluid and the thermal storage medium. There is no other project like this in the world. IDOM provided technical support for the molten salt system (control strategy, revision of the salt system and the tanks, etc.). Previously, IDOM had developed the basic engineering of the molten salt system, the thermal storage system, and the steam generation system of the 10 MW Lanzhou Dacheng pilot plant, using the same technology as the new 50 MW plant.
The project is one of the national CSP demonstration projects, and originally connected to the grid for power generation on December 31, 2019, and was put into normal operation mode of full-field collector power generation on June 18, 2020.
It only took 18 days from the hot molten salt flows into the field to power generation, which proved the technical ability of the molten salt linear fresnel CSP project.
IDOM has collaborated in several important CSP projects using molten salts in China, among which are the Gansu Akesai 50 MW and the Lanzhou Dacheng 10 MW plants.
IDOM 在中国参与设计了数个重点熔盐光热项目,例如甘肃阿克赛50兆瓦项目以及兰州大成10兆瓦项目。

July 8, 2020
Susana Martínez Escriche ( )