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Assisting IAG in managing the optimization of the Ascentis cargo hub (WMS) at London Heathrow

Europe | UK | UK

Ascentis is a semi-automated cargo facility capable of handling over 500,000 tonnes of cargo per year, through two different unit load storage systems.

The main objective of the project was to assist IAG Cargo to technologically modernize its automated storage system (MHCS), located in Heathrow airport, bringing Ascentis into the future from a tech perspective (Removing Obsolescence) but also from business and operations to enable further improvements, automation, optimization and stay current in the long-term.

IDOM acted as the Project Management Office (PMO) of the project. The tasks developed during the Project have been:

  • Assure the ability to take full advantage of the investment and capacity available through better utilization of the Warehouse based on the To-Be solution for the future model. Definition of the integration diagrams between systems and the Global Architecture of the future solution.
  • Improve capabilities for better connection / integration to the IAG Network.
  • Work together with IAG and potential suppliers analyzing their products and solutions to design the best system that covers all the necessary functionalities.
  • AS-IS Processes and IT Landscape: IAG Strategy for Ascentis identification.
  • Ascentis Optimization Strategy Update: selection, Assessment & Prioritazion (where to focus optimizations and improvements).
  • Hight-Level Solution Architecture Definition: description of joint solution with primary features and priorities).
  • Hight-Level TO-BE Model and Roadmap for Implentation: including agreements with solutions providers, technical aspects, costs & timescales.

Smart Ports : Strategy & Operations

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IAG Cargo

Strategic Consulting