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Pre-Feasibility Study for the Exclusive Cruise Terminal of Puerto Montt


The cruise market in southern Chile and Patagonia has shown significant growth in recent years and Puerto Montt stands out as the first port of call, in terms of passengers in the entire country. IDOM has assisted the Municipality in the selection of the most appropriate location for the development of a new cruise terminal in the city, the development of engineering studies for pre-investment, the operational model and the environmental risk analyzes (base line). Likewise, the most appropriate legal figure has been proposed to promote the development of the infrastructure. The feasibility of the future business model from an economic and financial point of view has been evaluated.

The Municipality of Puerto Montt has raised the issue with IDOM of an infrastructure to receive passengers from cruise ships following the standards that the industry requires (greater comfort), which allows the number of cruise ships calling at the city to be increased, while providing services to the ships and facilitating the relationship between visitors and tour operators, integrating more harmoniously with the city.

Putting the city on the map as a Homeport base to develop Patagonian routes

The study developed all the analyzes at pre-feasibility level, from the conceptual design and business model of the project, to the dedicated infrastructure, while laying the bases for the specific studies that will be required in later phases. The following specific analyzes were included in the scope of the project:

  1. General Diagnosis: compilation and analysis of the existing background information, legal study of the possibilities of concession and financing, study of 3 alternatives for the location of the terminal and execution of a topo-bathymetric survey.
  2. Specific Diagnoses and Decision Making: market analysis and estimation of the demand for landfalls and cruise passengers (considering the COVID-19 effect and the Canal de Chacao bridge effect), conceptual development of the 3 alternatives and prioritization of the most appropriate for development.
  3. Formulation and Evaluation of the Selected Alternative: The preparation of objective images of the terminal and the docking pier, the development of basic engineering, environmental and social studies, the preparation of a roadmap, definition of the best business model and assessment of financial pre-feasibility.

Ports & Waterborne transport

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Ilustre Municipalidad de Puerto Montt

Conceptual design of port infrastructure
Economic Modelling
Estimation of CAPEX needs
Feasibility Study
Feasibility study
Fee Structuring
Long-term forecast of revenue demand and OPEX
Strategic market evaluation
Strategic Recommendations

  • IDOM_Puerto Montt_Chile_Seminario Onlline 2