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Becoming an Industry 4.0 company means making the best decisions about the state of the business, decisions supported by real-time data as the ultimate tool. From IDOM, we support industrial companies from all types of sectors to help them solve their main challenges with digital transformation as a great lever for change.
We do all this with a clear vocation of commitment, IDOM's main characteristic, undertaking together a path that begins with the strategy and continues with the digitization of operations, the experience of people, and culminates with making digital innovation a reality, making possible a better future for the company, its customers, and ultimately, society.

At IDOM we provide companies that trust us with capabilities in consulting, design, implementation and subsequent deployment of solutions in the field of IT/OT technologies, with a transversal technological approach that guarantees total connectivity between the business and plant systems (PLC, DCS/SCADA and Industrial IoT), thanks to a simple, fast and unified access to information for the entire company. Likewise, thanks to the Digital Twin and Industrial Metaverse technologies, we are entering a new paradigm where the experience of people is elevated to the maximum power.

At IDOM we have a wide range of multidisciplinary capabilities that allow us to make all this possible, as well as the leading technologies in the market to offer the best solutions to our customers.

Marco Busatto


Industry 4.0 services

At IDOM, we strongly believe in building solid relationships of trust and collaboration with our clients, for whom we provide services throughout the digital investment lifecycle

Industry 4.0

Digital Transformation Plans
Selection of technological solutions
Industry 4.0 Initiative Roadmaps
Industrial cybersecurity master plans

Industry 4.0
Solutions Design

Process Reengineering
Digitization of design and manufacturing operations
Definition of AS-IS/TO-BE models
Design of new TI/OT architectures and infrastructures
User Experience (UX)

Industry 4.0
Solutions Implementation

Functional design
Implementation of solutions
Manufacturing Intelligence
Digital Twin
Integration with SAP

Industry 4.0
Infrastructures Operation

Application Support and Maintenance Service (corrective and evolutionary)
Data-driven Factory: Improving Data-driven Operations (value-driven)




Industry 4.0 assistance for Spanish companies


First Prize - Best consultant for Digital Transformation in industrial companies - MICOTUR


In collaboration with ADIF, IDOM introduces the Rail Traffic Management Simulator

November 10, 2022

In collaboration with ADIF, IDOM introduces the Rail Traffic Management Simulator

In October, 2022, Javier Fernandez and Tomás Melero, representing the General Directorate of People Management of ADIF, together with Daniel Fariña, Technical Director of IDOM,...

Changing the mindset: Vocational Training for Industry 4.0

October 9, 2019

Changing the mindset: Vocational Training for Industry 4.0

“The challenges of Vocational Training for Industry 4.0”. This was the slogan of the XVII Professional Training Day, held in September in Terrassa (Spain). This...

Cathedra of Deusto University

November 23, 2017

Cathedra of Deusto University

In recent years, the term Industry 4.0 has entered our vocabulary. The concept involves an important positive change in manufacturing processes, as automation and data...