Showcasing our work in decarbonizing
On the occasion of the presentation of the Energy 2022 Report of the Council of Academics of Engineering and Technological Sciences (CAETS)
On March 21, the Royal Academy of Engineering hosted the launch of the CAETS Energy Report 2022. The event was attended, on behalf of IDOM, by Mauricio Gómez Villarino, Chief Sustainability Officer of IDOM and director of the Madrid office, and Almudena Bautista, Operations Director of the Architecture and Building area and member of the strategic committee of “Women and Engineering” project of the Royal Academy of Engineering.
The report, produced by the members of the CAETS Energy Commission 2021-2022 and led by Dr. Yves Bamberger, founding member and vice-president of the French National Academy of Technologies and chair of the CAETS Energy Committee, has been approved by some thirty international associations of engineering and technology. In its seven chapters, it analyses the situation in the fields of agri-food systems (AFS), smart buildings and cities, oil and gas, chemicals, cement, iron and steel, and information and communication technologies (ICT), concluding that: “the technology for reducing greenhouse gas emissions is now available for immediate action in all these sectors, with fast payback times and a reasonable return on investment, in a large-scale deployment”.
On the 22nd, Dr. Yves Bamberger, Mr. Antonio Colino (President of the Royal Academy of Engineering), Dr. Eloy Álvarez (academician of the Royal Academy of Engineering and member of the Energy Commission of CAETS) and Dr. Ignacio Pérez-Arriaga, (academician of the Royal Academy of Engineering and director of the African School of Regulation, ASR), held a meeting with our colleagues Antonio Villalueva (expert in Sustainability in Building) and Dr. Ignacio Pérez-Arriaga (expert in Sustainability in Building and Energy). Ignacio Pérez-Arriaga, (member of the Royal Academy of Engineering and director of the African School of Regulation, ASR), held a meeting with our colleagues Antonio Villanueva (expert in Sustainability in Building and director of the Building Physics team of the Architecture and Building area), Julia Gómez (architect and master in design and environmental management of buildings, of the Building Physics team of IDOM’s Architecture and Building area) and Almudena Bautista (Operations Director of the Architecture and Building area), during which we presented, through two case studies (our headquarters in Madrid and the work carried out in Madrid Nuevo Norte), IDOM’s approach to the design of building projects with the aim of contributing to decarbonization.
This was followed by an interesting discussion on the relationship between improving the energy efficiency of building systems and cities and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

March 27, 2023
From left to right: Antonio Villanueva, Antonio Colino, Yves Bamberger, Almudena Bautista, Eloy Álvarez, Julia Gómez and Ignacio Pérez-Arriaga.