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Innovation Technical Office of the Port Authority Bay of Algeciras


As part of the Technical Office of Innovation of the Port Authority of the Bay of Algeciras (APBA), it is intended to transform the entity into an innovative organization and promote a culture of innovation in the Port of Algeciras. The objective is to turn innovation into a key business process, driving new products/services capable of generating value for users/clients and guaranteeing the future competitiveness of the port and its operational excellence.

Making innovation a key business process

The management and coordination of the project involves coordinating the set of innovation activities that will turn the APBA into an innovative organization and make the Port of Algeciras a leading ecosystem and of recognized prestige in logistics-port innovation.

With this objective, the Innovative Technical Office (ITO) has managed the implementation of an innovation management system according to UNE 166002, including, among other aspects, an innovation strategy, a methodology for managing ideas and innovation projects, support tools for innovation, notably an Innovation Web Portal and a series of procedures to manage aspects such as knowledge and the control and monitoring of objectives.

An internal innovation culture program called “Innovation Crossing” has been structured and aims to promote intra-entrepreneurship and change the mindset of both the management team and the other APBA staff in favour of innovation.

Likewise, the office will collaborate in the attraction of talent and the incorporation of innate disruptive technologies in the ecosystems of start-ups, in order to encourage the co-creation of new products/services that have an impact on the competitiveness of the port.

Finally, in terms of innovation and digital transformation projects, IDOM has been working extensively in bidding processes via the Public Procurement of Innovation and in the management of projects, both ABP2020 program and other calls that may be of interest.

Innovation : Smart Ports

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Port Authority of the Bay of Algeciras (APBA)

Collaboration with Start-ups and Entrepreneurs
Innovation Center - Living-Lab
Innovation Culture Program & Intra-Entrepreneurship Promotion
Innovation Management System
Innovation Web Portal
Project Management - Innovation & Digital Transformation
Public Procurement of Innovation

  • Puerto Algeciras_IDOM_cortesía APBA